Thursday, January 31, 2013

What to Expect. Readers and Writer.

Hey all!!
I don't know much about technology, however I always seem to be on my computer researching and googling everything I can think of.  I love to learn and want to share this passion with children as a teacher!  I am currently enrolled in the education program at the University of Tennessee. I am a Senior with a major in Psychology from Murfreesboro, TN.  I love to hang out with my friends, dance, eat Mexican food, travel and read.  And this is my story of technology integration.
We all know that feeling when you read a blog or something awesome on the internet, and think I could never do that.  Well, the more I learn, the more I realize. I CAN!  So, as I walk through Technology 486 at The University of Tennessee, this is where I will be posting my thoughts and hints about why integrating technology into our lives and classrooms is so important.
I expect to learn more about the importance of technology in an Elementary classroom and how to use the practical tools that will allow my students to learn through the internet.  I expect to be able to use an interactive white board, create movies, make presentations, and learn to make these things fun and engaging for my future students.  I am sure that I barely know the extent of what I have to learn!  And I am ready to be schooled on the use of technology.

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