Thursday, May 2, 2013


Over the course of this semester, as we were making projects and reflecting on the process, we were making a website using Google Sites.  This is a web-based tool that is free to everyone with a Google account.  We had a list of things that the website had to include, which were really helpful and a good format for us to demonstrate the final projects that we had to do.  We created our websites in the beginning of the course, and were asked to turn in the final products of our digital story, diagram, flipchart and digital imaging presentation under the Technology Projects section.  We were asked to have two of our own choice pages to represent what we think is important to have on our classroom website in the future.  I think that there are some really important things that I will have on my classroom website, but didn't do for this one because I don't know my students yet.  I don't know what their at-home computer use is, and I don't know exactly what it will be in the schools either.  However, all of the projects and especially this website, have really helped me get a better vision for what technology in the classroom might look like.  I appreciate all the projects, but this one is by far my favorite to show off to my friends.  I love that there are so many helpful tools that were built right into our workbook/packet that matched the rubric and gave me insight to how to do these things in the future.
It was frustrating to me to have to deal with the details of the website.  I didn't like the original layout, so when I tried to be creative and play with the font and color a little bit, it didn't quite turn out.  It was distracting and hard to read, but at this point I didn't care that much.  I was over messing with it and a little fed up.  Then, about a month ago, I picked back up and starting working on the layout again.  I made sure it was more concise and looked good to match the content I had worked hard to put into it. 
I didn't like how strict the rubric made this project feel.  I didn't really feel like I could do my best creative work, because I was meeting the strict demands of the rubric.  That's not to say that my Website didn't turn out great; it did!  There were some great things on the rubric, but I just wish that there had been a better way to be creative with the project.
Overall, I am really happy that we did this project. I feel like I am better prepared and can refer to this website for future endeavors in the technology world. 

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