Thursday, February 14, 2013

Inquiry Based Activity

This weeks adventure in technology was quite different from those of the past weeks!   We created an Inquiry-Based activity for students to log onto the page (created in a Wiki) and follow directions and links.  The students have access to the information through various media such as videos and informational sites.

I really enjoyed doing this activity through a media that we had already learned! It really freed me up to put effort into the content of my activity.  I really saw this as a potential lesson that I could use in the future and not just a frustrating task that I will never again use.  I love the idea of kids getting to do their own research through other websites than the ones they see all the time.  They get to see information in a new way than teachers lecturing to them or reading about it in a book.  This is exciting for children and I think it's helpful to get them engaged in the learning process.  Overall, this was a good use of my time.  It was great to learn on my own different websites on teaching standards and compiling the information into a lesson for the kids.  

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