Friday, February 22, 2013

Educational Wikis

As a whole, for Technology class, I am still missing the big deal with Wikis.  I get how they can be helpful with group collaboration online, but in a classroom setting, I don't know why they seem to be presented as more useful or accessible than websites or other collaboration sites.  Every one that I encountered for this blog post was a classroom's Wiki where they had posted things they have done or a teachers Wiki where other teachers can come and get resources.  Maybe they are easier to access or safer for children? ...oh, I don't know.  But anyhow!  I am going to give you my review of the best educational Wiki for the elementary setting I could find on the two sources provided to us for this assignment.

I was searching through Educational Wikis and came across this one titled 2nd Grade Class Wiki.  When I clicked on it, the colors were appealing, it had a fun logo and welcoming banner.  I was surprised then to see the site turn into something I didn't understand.  It took me a while to gather that it was a Wiki where children in a classroom have used the space to present and organize information they have learned and gathered in class.  There is a fun section where the children are reading some poems that they wrote and the teacher used some function to write feedback to them in text bubbles, which I thought was so neat!  There are fun little animations and creative use of the webspace.  I think it looks disorganized and was hard to follow.  I wonder what purpose it actually serves in the class and how much of the information is posted by students or by the teacher.  Is it just a tool where the students can show their parents something cool they have been doing in school on the home computer?  Is it a means of assessment?  I wish there were more discussion of this on the page to inform random viewers like myself.  Overall, I gained some unique information of creative things you can post on these Wiki sites, but am still wondering what place they have in my classroom.  

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