Monday, March 18, 2013

Interactive White Board

This week was the beginning of learning to use the Interactive White Board! I am really exited about getting to know these boards better.  Before getting into the Education Program last year, I hadn't heard anything about them except maybe someone had mentioned before how cool SmartBoards are.

Since getting into the classrooms, however, I am convinced these things are going to change our world.  Every classroom that I have observed in has one of these boards and I have observed some wonderful things going on with them.  Each class used them differently based on the teacher and the grade level.  In a Kindergarten classroom the board was used by the children to come up and use during a math lesson where the students were using visual representations of blocks to show the number 17.  I saw the board being used in a classroom where the students could come up and trace letters and numbers to demonstrate what the other children should be doing on their worksheets.  In a third grade class the board was being used for a memory matching game where the students were trying to find cause and effect relationships.

Because of these experiences and learning briefly about the IWBs in class and through the book, I am very convinced that I will be using an IWB for a while in my classroom.  I want to be proficient in using it and I can't wait to use this week to get better at creating flipcharts.  I am excited to get to know the specific brand, Promethean.  This is the board that we use in our 486 classroom and from what Dr. O'Bannon has told us, I think this a great company that has really cool resources for teachers.

I'll catch everyone up next week on my thoughts about IWBs after I try hard to become proficient at them this week! Wish me luck!

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