Sunday, March 31, 2013

IWB Pro!

So after a long week of trying to make the perfect Promethean Board set up and another long week of rest on Spring Break (praise the good God in Heaven), I think I have gotten a ton of great information on Interactive White Boards!

This week we have been working frantically to create our own page on ActiveInspire to teach a lesson based on a curriculum standard.  I really enjoyed that this project is real life.  I will be able to use this for my future classroom! Granted it needs to be 2nd grade and I will have to have an IWB.  ah. details! But I really enjoyed being able to see myself using it to teach as I was creating it.  I learned several new tricks for interactivity with the board.  We learned how to create tables and pull-to-reveal as well as many other great forms of interactivity.  When we were learning them on Tuesday I thought to myself "do teachers actually use these types of interactivity in their classrooms?"  Prior to this I had only seen it used to write on and model handwriting and math problems.

I wrote a little last week about my prior knowledge on Smart Boards and how I have seen them used in the classroom.  So, I wanted to give you a little update about something else wonderful I saw this week!  At the school I have been shadowing at the Kindergarten teacher that I was observing used one of the types of interactivity!  I had even been looking at this same design in the Promethean Board website (  It was a cool moment of connecting what we learn in our classes to what is happening in the actual elementary classroom.

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